Decentralized Exchange

Token Swap App

Token Swap Dapp Thumbnail
code snippet 1
code snippet 2

Problem to solve

Looking to interact and quickly swap your digital assets through your own non-custodial blockchain wallet?


This project recreates and builds on top of the traditional web3 decentralized exchange mechanics used by many blockchain involved token swap Dapps, using Vanilla JS, JQuery, web3 JS, Bootstrap Framework, and MetaMask Authentication. User's start by landing on the home page which showcase and refer to dynamically updated price feeds of just a few tokens, as well as resources for information on the functionality of utlizing such blockchain technology.


This project is fully complete.. Until I get more bright ideas :)

How to use

To get started using the exchange, The user MUST install the MetaMask extension on their desktop. (unfortunatley mobile use for this Dapp is not functional at the moment.) click on the Launch App button on any of the pages. Which will lead you to the app, once you are on the swap dapp click on the "Sign In With MetaMask" button. (If you don't have MetaMask extenstion on your browser you must first install it.) The MetaMask button will then read "Connected" if you are correctly connected. Once that you are connected, click on "swap from:" and choose the token you would like to swap from. Once decided, click on "swap to:" and choose the token you would like to swap to. clicking out of the "swap from:" box will then generate the token conversion rate and gas fees that will be applied to your swap. Now that you have your desired swap parameters in place, click on the "Swap" button to initialize your swap. A MetaMask notification window will then pop up for you to choose between confirming or rejecting your swap.