Movie clip Database

API Frontend App

Token Swap Dapp Thumbnail

Problem to solve

There have been times when you just can't explain that great movie scene to your friends. So you go online, and start getting bomarded by unnecessary ads and videos that have nothing to do with that great movie scene, you may even end up scouring the web for hours for absolutely no reason.. smh


This app provides a front-end application for The Movie Database API. I accessed this API using Javascript's fetch function, which returns JSON data on all the movies in the database. I then filtered through the data to present it through a smooth interface and experience.


This project is fully complete.. Until I get more bright ideas :)

How to use

Type the movie of your choice into the search bar. You will immediately be presented movie poster(s) that match the exact movie that you typed in. You can then click on the movie poster which will present 4 different movie clips for you you watch. Enjoy!